
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Growing Pains

In a little less than a month, McKenna will be off to preschool. While we've started crossing things off of her school supply list and she already has her backpack and lunchbox ready to go, it's still something that I haven't fully processed yet. I'm having such a difficult time wrapping my heart and my head around the fact that the first chapter of my little baby's life is coming to a close. She's growing up. Wasn't it just yesterday that she was crawling around in diapers?

A couple of weeks ago while the girls and I were out doing our grocery shopping, we picked up a few things from the supply list. McKenna couldn't wait to show off her new folder, pencils, crayons, and glue, all packed up in her Disney Princess backpack, ready for the first day of school, to Alex when he got home from work. When she brought out the Kindermat that she's going to take for nap time, I fought hard to hold back the tears.

How in the heck am I going to handle dropping her off on the first day of school? I hope I don't bawl when or if she does; I hope I don't lose it when or if she doesn't want to let me go. I need to be strong for her on this nerve-wracking first day of school... At least until I make it out of that classroom door, turn around for one last wave and a blown kiss goodbye. Ugh, parenting is hard.

I told Alex, "What am I going to do all day!?"

"You still have another one at home," he said with a wink and a little boop on the nose. But Kendall's wondering the same thing, too...

On our way over to a friend's house, McKenna and I were talking about her going to school soon and Kendall chimed in, "I'm going to miss you, M'enna" to which M'enna replied, "I'm going to miss you, too, Kendall; but don't worry, I'll be back." My heart melted like a popsicle on the Fourth of July!

I know that McKenna is ready for school and I think she'll do great; she loves to learn and enjoys making new friends. She's excited, but "just a little nervous."

She sounds so grown up when she tells me that.

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